Boiler Plant Operation and Maintenance (2 & 3 Nov 2016)
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Boiler Plant Operation and Maintenance course was created to bring delegates to understand and learned boiler operation and maintenance practices. It was designed to help take the mystery out of wondering if your boiler is safe and operating efficiently, and provides maintenance technicians and others the confidence and comfort level needed for operating and maintaining their own boilers.
Overall, this program is designed to extend boiler life, improve boiler efficiency, and save energy costs for the employer, while establishing a culture of safe work practices among the employees.
Individuals involved with residential hot water systems will also find this course extremely valuable. This course typically gets attendees come from a wide variety of industries, skill levels, company sizes, and job titles. So everybody who has an interest in boilers fits in.
Modul 1 : Introduction to Steam.
Modul 2 : General construction of the Boiler.
Modul 3 : Boiler Mountings.
Modul 4 : Basic calculations of efficiency of Boiler.
Modul 5 : Combustion.
Modul 6 : Cost of Boiler ownership.
Modul 7 : Steam distribution and Utilisation
We would like to express our appreciation for your dedicated participation on the Boiler Plant Operation and Maintenance which was held at The Hotel Bangi – Putrajaya, Bangi.
Interested with this course? Register Now!!
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