in Public Training

Earthing & Electrical Protection System in Malaysia (7 & 8 Sept 2022)

  The course is thus beneficial to all electrical engineers who are responsible for the planning, design, construction operation and maintenance of commercial and industrial power systems, site engineers and design review/approving persons of small and large electrical substations and industrial plants. This course provides the opportunity to learn about the general practices in earthing, […]

in Inhouse Training

Electrical Safety and Risk Management in Workplace (8,9,10 Mac 2022)

  Working in various industries especially in electrical-related industries can pose hazards and risks to human life. Most of these accidents can be avoided or minimized by careful planning and straightforward precautions. This program is designed to provide an overview of an often-overlooked aspect of electrical safety and information on the codes and standards which […]

in Public Training

Fire Fighting System – Design & Standard in Malaysia (19 & 20 Jan 2022)

  This course explores the principle and practice of the assessment, evaluation and the provision of recommendations associated with fire safety. Participant will understand the requirement fire Fighting system—design & standards in Malaysia. This course will be particularly helpful to practicing all the participants. COURSE OUTLINES Module 1 – Introduction Fire Protection System Module 2 […]

in Public Training

Sistem Lift & Eskalator – Operasi & Senggaraan (22 & 23 July 2020)

  Sistem pengangkutan merupakan salah satu perkhidmatan yang agak penting digunakan di dalam sesebuah bangunan. Sistem lift kebiasaannya dipasang pada bangunan yang mempunyai 4 atau 5 tingkat ke atas. Lift juga mempunyai muatan tertentu pada satu-satu ketika. Proses menetapan kereta lift juga perlu dipertimbangkan pada kadar pengunjung yang  mengunjungi bangunan tersebut. Terdapat beberapa jenis sistem […]

in Public Training

Mechanical & Electrical Services for Buildings (13 & 14 July 2020)

  Mechanical systems can be included elements of infrastructure, plant and  machinery, tool and components, heating and ventilation and so on. Electrical systems might include, power supply and distribution, telecommunications, computing instrumentation, control systems and so on. The main objective of this course is to expose the participants to the Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) work […]

in Public Training

HVAC Ducting & Piping Design (11 & 12 March 2020)

  This Course is prepared for helping the entry level Fresher & Experience Engineers in the field of Air Conditioning Systems and also useful for person’s who’s dealing in HVAC product. This Course fills the gap between the Theoretical Study & real practical design of HVAC systems. This Course is based upon design calculation and […]

in Public Training

HVAC Cooling Load Calculations and Principles (12 & 13 Feb 2020)

  This is an excellent course for anyone who needs a general overview of the principles of heat transfer and heating and cooling load calculation. Participants will develop an understanding of heat transfer as it applies to buildings and the various factors that must be considered when calculating the heating and cooling loads of a […]

in Public Training

Fire Fighting System – Inspection & Auditing (24 & 25 Feb 2020)

  This course explores the principle and practice of the assessment, evaluation and the provision of recommendations associated with fire safety. Participant will understand the requirement fire Fighting system – Inspection & Auditing. This course will be particularly helpful to practicing all the participants.   COURSE OUTLINES Module 1 – Fire Sciences Module 2 – […]

in Public Training

Practical Class – Air Conditioning Maintenance & Installation (10 & 11 Feb 2020)

Conditioning system has become the main component in buildings. The participants will be ex-posed to the theoretical and practical aspects of the basic operation and the maintenance of Air Conditioning system. Through this approach, participants will be able to learn the actual case studies for better under-standing on air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation systems as well […]

    Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.


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