in Inhouse Training

Switchgear Operation and Maintenance

A switchgear is also known as an Electro-Mechanical Equipment or device used to close and open circuit . It is designed and manufactured to operate in various mode of operation, manually, semi-auto or fully automatic suitable to the required application. This particular course is designed to provide advance knowledge and appropriate guidance as to the […]

in Public Training

Electrical Engineering For Non Electrical Engineer (3 & 4 Aug 2022)

  Electrical Engineering For Non Electrical Engineer is designed to any individuals, who are not intimately familiar with Electrical Engineering Principles and Practices. Through this course, delegates are expected to learn basic principles of electricity in a simple, easy to understand, format. This course will enable attendees to accomplish straightforward and common calculations associated with […]

in Public Training

Practical Class – Air Conditioning Maintenance & Installation (20 & 21 July 2022)

Conditioning system has become the main component in buildings. The participants will be ex-posed to the theoretical and practical aspects of the basic operation and the maintenance of Air Conditioning system. Through this approach, participants will be able to learn the actual case studies for better under-standing on air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation systems as well […]

in Public Training

Electrical Engineering For Non Electrical Engineer (12 & 13 May 2022)

  Electrical Engineering For Non Electrical Engineer is designed to any individuals, who are not intimately familiar with Electrical Engineering Principles and Practices. Through this course, delegates are expected to learn basic principles of electricity in a simple, easy to understand, format. This course will enable attendees to accomplish straightforward and common calculations associated with […]

in Inhouse Training

Electrical Safety and Risk Management in Workplace (8,9,10 Mac 2022)

  Working in various industries especially in electrical-related industries can pose hazards and risks to human life. Most of these accidents can be avoided or minimized by careful planning and straightforward precautions. This program is designed to provide an overview of an often-overlooked aspect of electrical safety and information on the codes and standards which […]

in Public Training

Understanding Of Uniform Building By Law (UBBL) (28 & 1 Apr 2022)

The purpose of this course is to familiarize workshop participants with knowledge on the fire requirements in UBBL. The workshop approach is a combination of formal presentation, interactive discussion, group discussion, and case studies. Through this approach, participants will be able to learn the actual case studies for better understanding on fire requirements in UBBL […]

in Public Training

Chiller System – Operation & Maintenance (23 & 24 Feb 2022)

  Chillers system are a key component of air conditioning systems for large buildings. They produce cold water to remove heat from the air in the building. They also provide cooling for process loads such as file-server rooms and large medical imaging equipment. This course is designed specifically for chiller operators and those responsible for […]

in Public Training

Electrical Engineering For Non Electrical Engineer (6 & 7 Dec 2021)

  Electrical Engineering For Non Electrical Engineer is designed to any individuals, who are not intimately familiar with Electrical Engineering Principles and Practices. Through this course, delegates are expected to learn basic principles of electricity in a simple, easy to understand, format. This course will enable attendees to accomplish straightforward and common calculations associated with […]

    Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.


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