Air Compressor – Principles, Operation, Troubleshooting & Maintenance (28 & 29 Nov 2018)
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Compressed air generation systems are used in many types of industrial applications. Good understanding in basic principle, operation and maintenance of compressed air systems are essential for optimal compressed air performance and its quality.
This trainings is aimed to enhance the participant’s understanding on the basic principle and operation of compressed air systems, enhance skill in maintenance and troubleshooting to ward cost saving, safety and healthy working environment, include familiarization on Malaysia Acts and Regulations in relation to compressed air.
Module 1 – What is compressed air?
Module 2 – Application and generation of compressed air
Module 3 – Compressed air systems & equipments
Module 4 – Symbols and interpretations
Module 5 – Principles and selection of compressed air equipments
Module 6 – Air compressor, intercooler and after-cooler
Module 7 – Treatment and storage of compressed air: Filter, Dryer, Receiver
Module 8 – Piping and distribution of compressed air
Module 9 – Installation, maintenance and inspection
Module 10 – Safety and requirement of Malaysia Acts and Regulations
We thank you for your participation in our training program. We look forward to seeing you next time, when we will put extra effort into making our next program even more useful and exciting.
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