Practical Class – Air Conditioning Maintenance & Installation (20 & 21 Nov 2024)

Conditioning system has become the main component in buildings. The participants will be ex-posed to the theoretical and practical aspects of the basic operation and the maintenance of Air Conditioning system. Through this approach, participants will be able to learn the actual case studies for better understanding on air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation systems as well […]

Understanding Of Uniform Building By Law (UBBL) (13&14 Nov 2024)

The purpose of this course is to familiarize workshop participants with knowledge on the fire requirements in UBBL. The workshop approach is a combination of formal presentation, interactive discussion, group discussion, and case studies. Through this approach, participants will be able to learn the actual case studies for better understanding on fire requirements in UBBL […]

Project Management : Cost Effective & Management (11&12 Nov 2024)

One common major area of project overrun is money. In this course, you gain budget-management skills. You learn how to define the work and calculate a realistic critical path. You establish a budget baseline by allocating resources to tasks, aggregating project budgets and quantifying risk. By setting up Earned Value Analysis, you will be able […]

Mechanical & Electrical Services For Buildings (11&12 Nov 2024)

Mechanical systems can be included elements of infrastructure, plant and machinery, tool and components, heating and ventilation and so on. Electrical systems might include, power supply and distribution, telecommunications, computing instrumentation, control systems and so on. The main objective of this course is to expose the participants to the Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) work in […]

Fire Fighting System – Design & Standard in Malaysia (6 & 7 Nov 2024)

Best HRD Corp Training Provider, Technical & Engineering Training, Management Training, Softskill Training, In house Training, CIDB CCD Point Training, Electrical Mechanical HVAC Operation & Maintenance Training, Skim Bantuan Latihan HRD Corp Claimable Courses | Orest Sdn Bhd | School Of Professional.

Best HRD Corp Training Provider, Technical & Engineering Training, Management Training, Softskill Training, In house Training, CIDB CCD Point Training, Electrical Mechanical HVAC Operation & Maintenance Training, Skim Bantuan Latihan HRD Corp Claimable Courses | Orest Sdn Bhd | School Of Professional. Best HRD Corp Training Provider, Technical & Engineering Training, Management Training, Softskill Training, […]

Chiller System – Operation & Maintenance (4&5 Nov 2024)

Best HRD Corp Training Provider, Technical & Engineering Training, Management Training, Softskill Training, In house Training, CIDB CCD Point Training, Electrical Mechanical HVAC Operation & Maintenance Training, Skim Bantuan Latihan HRD Corp Claimable Courses | Orest Sdn Bhd | School Of Professional.

[vc_row rt_row_background_width=”fullwidth” rt_row_content_width=”default” rt_row_style=”default-style” rt_row_height=”” rt_column_gaps=”” rt_row_shadows=”” rt_row_borders=”” rt_bg_effect=”classic” rt_bg_image_repeat=”repeat” rt_bg_size=”cover” rt_bg_position=”right top” rt_bg_attachment=”scroll” rt_bg_layer=”” rt_bg_video_format=”self-hosted”][vc_column rt_bg_effect=”classic” rt_bg_image_repeat=”repeat” rt_bg_size=”auto auto” rt_bg_position=”right top” rt_bg_attachment=”scroll”][testimonial_carousel list_layout=”1/1″ tablet_layout=”1″ mobile_layout=”1″ box_style=”” style=”center” headings=”true” client_images=”true” max_item=”10″ nav=”true” dots=”true” autoplay=”true” timeout=”1500″ categories=”291″ list_orderby=”date” list_order=”DESC”][/vc_column][/vc_row] Chillers system are a key component of air conditioning systems for large buildings. They produce cold water […]

ALTUS MALAYSIA – Problem Solving And Decision Making (8&9 Oct 2024)

Best HRD Corp Training Provider, Technical & Engineering Training, Management Training, Softskill Training, In house Training, CIDB CCD Point Training, Electrical Mechanical HVAC Operation & Maintenance Training, Skim Bantuan Latihan HRD Corp Claimable Courses | Orest Sdn Bhd | School Of Professional.

[vc_row rt_row_background_width=”fullwidth” rt_row_content_width=”default” rt_row_style=”default-style” rt_row_height=”” rt_column_gaps=”” rt_row_shadows=”” rt_row_borders=”” rt_bg_effect=”classic” rt_bg_image_repeat=”repeat” rt_bg_size=”cover” rt_bg_position=”right top” rt_bg_attachment=”scroll” rt_bg_layer=”” rt_bg_video_format=”self-hosted”][vc_column rt_bg_effect=”classic” rt_bg_image_repeat=”repeat” rt_bg_size=”auto auto” rt_bg_position=”right top” rt_bg_attachment=”scroll”][testimonial_carousel list_layout=”1/1″ tablet_layout=”1″ mobile_layout=”1″ box_style=”” style=”center” headings=”true” client_images=”true” max_item=”10″ nav=”true” dots=”true” autoplay=”true” timeout=”1500″ categories=”359″ list_orderby=”date” list_order=”DESC”][/vc_column][/vc_row] A PROBLEM is a discrepancy between a desirable and an actual situation. However decisions don’t always involve […]

Practical Class – Pumps – Design, Application And Operation (5 & 6 March 2024)

Best HRD Corp Training Provider, Technical & Engineering Training, Management Training, Softskill Training, In house Training, CIDB CCD Point Training, Electrical Mechanical HVAC Operation & Maintenance Training, Skim Bantuan Latihan HRD Corp Claimable Courses | Orest Sdn Bhd | School Of Professional.

This course provides an in-depth understanding of Centrifugal Pump Fundamentals. The course is designed to provide a detailed explanation of how a centrifugal pump is constructed and operated to achieve maximum reliability. Selecting the right pump for a specific application and identification of problems associated with pump operation are determined through the use of pump […]