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This course explores the principle and practice of the assessment, evaluation and the provision of recommendations associated with fire safety. Participant will understand the requirement fire Fighting system—design & standards in Malaysia. This course will be particularly helpful to practicing all the participants.



Module 1 – Introduction Fire Protection System
Module 2 – Fire Science
Module 3 – Fire Risk
Module 4 – Method of Extinguishment
Module 5 – Design & Principle -Fire Detection Systems

Module 6 – Design & Principle -Sprinkler Systems
Module 7 – Design & Principle -Dry/Wet Riser Systems
Module 8 – Design & Principle -Hose Reel Systems
Module 9 – Design & Principle -Gas Suppression Systems
Module 10 – Design & Principle -Smoke Spill & Pressurization Systems


    • Engineers of all disciplines

    • Consultants and Contractors

    • Managers

    • Executive

    • Technicians

    • Maintenance personnel.

We thank you for your participation in our training program. We look forward to seeing you next time, when we will put extra effort into making our next program even more useful and exciting.

Interested with this course? Register Now!!

#HRD CORP training provider #training provider Malaysia #CCD point Cidb #school of professional #technical training #management training #softskill