in Public Training

Sistem Lift – Operasi & Senggaraan

  Sistem pengangkutan merupakan salah satu perkhidmatan yang agak penting digunakan di dalam sesebuah bangunan. Sistem lift kebiasaannya dipasang pada bangunan yang mempunyai 4 atau 5 tingkat ke atas. Lift juga mempunyai muatan tertentu pada satu-satu ketika. Proses menetapan kereta lift juga perlu dipertimbangkan pada kadar pengunjung yang mengunjungi bangunan tersebut. Terdapat beberapa jenis sistem […]

in Public Training

Machinery Failure Analysis and Prevention

  Machinery Failure Analysis & Prevention is presents a systematic approach to fault diagnosis and failure prevention in a broad range of machinery used in the process, manufacturing, power generation and mining industries. The key routes to preventive maintenance are demonstrated through both overview and the study of examples in metallurgical failure analysis, vibration analysis, […]

in Public Training

Chiller System – Operation and Maintenance

  Chillers are a key component of air conditioning systems for large buildings. They produce cold water to remove heat from the air in the building. They also provide cooling for process loads such as file-server rooms and large medical imaging equipment. This course is designed specifically for chiller operators and those responsible for routine […]

in Event, Inhouse Training

In House Training Offer

Customized your training now with up to 50% discount!!! In-house Training Program School Of Professional will custom design a training program to exactly suit your group’s needs and we work with trainers from various stages of their careers. We are offering comprehensive In-house Training packages for technical, management and specialized course depend on your needs […]

in Event, Public Training

Skim Bantuan Latihan & Kursus PSMB (HRDF)

Skim bantuan latihan yang dikendalikan bawah Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad / Kursus PSMB adalah seperti berikut: 1. Skim Bantuan Latihan (Skim SBL) SBL merupakan skim utama Kumpulan Wang Pembangunan Sumber Manusia (KWPSM). Di bawah skim ini, bantuan kewangan dalam bentuk geran latihan boleh dipertimbangkan bagi semua jenis program latihan yang bersesuaian dengan keperluan majikan yang […]

in Inhouse Training

“Kursus Penyelengaraan Sistem M&E Bangunan ” RTM

Kursus Penyelengaraan Sistem M&E Bangunan Kursus Penyelengaraan Sistem M&E Bangunan ini dianjurkan dengan kerjasama pihak Jabatan Kejuruteraan di RTM. Para peserta didedahkan dengan sistem Mekanikal dan Elektrikal bangunan, di mana merangkumi sistem lift, pencegahan kebakaran, sistem penyaman udara dan sistem elektrikal. Terima kasih dan tahniah diucapkan kepada para peserta dan pihak RTM kerana bersama-sama menjayakan […]

in Inhouse Training

“Kursus Teknologi Penyiaran Lanjutan ” RTM

Kursus Teknologi Penyiaran Lanjutan Great speech from the trainer….Good feedback from the delegates…. Hoped that participants can apply the knowledge gained as possible. Kursus Teknologi Lanjutan course shows how to use the technology available in the market and for use in the workplace. A successful training. Hope will be there again in the future. Thank you RTM. […]

    Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.


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