in Inhouse Training

System Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition

We would like to express our appreciation for your dedicated participation on the Chiller System Operation and Maintenance which was held at the Institute Latihan Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur.   These are what they learned: Modul 1 : Introduction SCADA Architecure Case Study – Build Management  SCADA Application Modul 2 : Hand-on Exersice Simple Building Managment System […]

in Inhouse Training

Penyelenggaraan Efektif Bagi Kerja Elektrikal

Terima kasih dan juga tahniah diucapkan kepada para peserta yang telah hadir bagi Kursus Penyelenggaran Efektif Bagi Kerja Elektrikal yang telah dijalankan di  Institut Dewan Badaraya Kuala lumpur. Semoga dapat bertemu kembali pada kursus yang akan datang.   Berikut adalah apa yang mereka pelajari: Modul 1: Sistem Bekalan Elektrik Modul 2: Sengaraan Elektrik Modul 3: Sengaraan ACB & MCCB […]

in Public Training

Emergency Generator Set Operation & Maintenance

  Diesel generator sets – used for either prime or backup (emergency) power – must be regularly maintained to ensure they provide quality power throughout their service life. Larger companies who own many generators, or those who rely on gensets extensively for prime power, may require an in-house engineer to maintain their gensets. Smaller companies, […]

in Public Training

Mechanical & Electrical Work For Buildings

  Mechanical systems can be included elements of infrastructure, plant and machinery, tool and components, heating and ventilation and so on. Electrical systems might include, power supply and distribution, telecommunications, computing instrumentation, control systems and so on. The main objective of this course is to expose the participants to the Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) work […]

in Public Training

Power Transfomer – Operation and Maintenance

  Power Transformers serve the crucial function of transforming voltage potential to a higher or lower values to meet the appliances and machinery voltage level requirements. Improper use, maintenance and neglect can cause heavy losses to businesses as well as to the environment. Power transformers are vital components of the power supply infrastructure. Their reliability, availability, life cycle […]

in Public Training

Chiller System – Operation and Maintenance

  Chillers are a key component of air conditioning systems for large buildings. They produce cold water to remove heat from the air in the building. They also provide cooling for process loads such as file-server rooms and large medical imaging equipment. This course is designed specifically for chiller operators and those responsible for routine […]

in Public Training

Pumps – Design, Application and Operation

  This course provides an in-depth understanding of Centrifugal Pump Fundamentals. The course is designed to provide a detailed explanation of how a centrifugal pump is constructed and operated to achieve maximum reliability. Selecting the right pump for a specific application and identification of problems associated with pump operation are determined through the use of […]

in Public Training

Chiller System – Operation and Maintenance

  Chillers are a key component of air conditioning systems for large buildings. They produce cold water to remove heat from the air in the building. They also provide cooling for process loads such as file-server rooms and large medical imaging equipment. This course is designed specifically for chiller operators and those responsible for routine […]

in Public Training

Electrical System for Non Electrical Engineer Course

We would like to say thank you and congratulations to all delegates for Electrical System for Non Electrical Engineer course at Puri Pujangga Hotel. *HRDF Claimable Course* COURSE OUTLINE : Modul 1 : Basic Electrical – Definitions & Concepts Modul 2 : Electrical Safety Modul 3 : Three-Phase Systems Modul 4 : Electrical Power System […]

    Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.


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